Wednesday, April 13, 2011

I got a tweet from William Shatner!

I found this in my mentions on twitter yesterday and I am still squeeeing. My friend and I mentioned him in our tweets so much he sent us a tweet.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

What I'm up to

Hey everybody! I just thought I would post a quick post just to let you all know what I'm up to. I'm reading Fahrenheit 451 for English class which is turning out to be a weird, nightmarish, offbeat book and I am quite liking it.

For non-fiction I am reading the Cartoon Guild to Chemistry and the usual Encyclopedia of Science and Technology (I don't know what I would do with out that book. Best 3$ ever spent) to supplement what I am learning in science class.

Monday, April 4, 2011

It's 5:30 in the morning

5:30 in the morning right now. I stayed up all night (quite literally all night) to work on an English assignment that should have been done days ago. I had all weekend to work on it. I need to be at school in about 3 hours and it's still not completely done. And I loved working on it. It made me think long and hard about an amazing book. And then I got to write. I got to feel my fingers type out sentences as I watched the letters appear on the screen while I listened to good music. I love the experience of doing homework once I get into it. But why did I procrastinate all this time? I have no idea. I think much clearer when my brain is not being kept alert with large amounts of tea. My mark will suffer because I decided to wait until sunday night to do this project. I really must learn to stop procrastinating.
EDIT: I just noticed that blogger says that I posted this at 2:38am which is impossible because I assure you that I was writing this at 5:30

Monday, March 28, 2011

You know you're a star trek nerd when...

When you find a red v-neck shirt that you haven't worn in a while and this is the only thing that you can think to do with it 

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Attention fellow popcorn lovers

Eating popcorn with chopsticks is a very good idea. Keeps your fingers from getting greasy so you can knit and use the computer with out the mouse getting all gross and helps slow down enthusiastic popcorn eaters like me. Just saying.

Reach for the top.

On Thursday I will be on reach for the top. Reach for the top is a trivia contest for high school students. Generally, it is just for students in grade 11 or 12 but since our school doesn't have enough interested people to form a team of just grade 11 and 12 students I am on the team. This will be my second time on reach, and although our school is not doing very well, it is still a lot of fun. Spending the day with some very intelligent and motivated students is a very nice alternative to sitting in class. Off to go study now.